• Sarah Paige


    Sarah is licensed insurance agent focusing on assisted reproductive insurances. Due to her breadth of knowledge, she is a requested speaker for many organizations and has served as legislative witness. Sarah serves with ART organizations. She believes in equity for those seeking care.

  • Kimberly Surratt


    Kim is a licensed attorney having immersed herself in assisted reproduction law. She has lobbied all the reproductive law changes in Nevada to date, including a major change in insurance law mandating surrogacy coverage. She has a passion that paves paths for our community.

  • Molly O'Brien


    Molly is a licensed attorney with a unique perspective having worked at an egg donation and surrogacy agency prior to getting her law degree. Molly has and continues to serve on and with several boards and organizations in support of assisted reproduction. Molly is a change maker.

  • Jason Angel


    Jason Angel is a licensed Clinical Psychologist based in the San Francisco Bay Area. He works with many individuals and families seeking assisted reproductive care and has been through the journey himself with his own family. Jason is committed to equal healthcare access and minimizing discrimination in the insurance marketplace.

  • Susan Merritt


    Susan Merritt is a three-time gestational surrogate, who is now the Surrogate Program Director for a highly regarded surrogacy agency in Southern California. Susan’s commitment to supporting those in the surrogacy process aligns with her deep belief in equal access to healthcare.